Renee Atkins

Please edit this template to provide your colleagues with some info about you.  This page will also be the jumping off point for your Teach 21 project.


About Renee' Atkins 

Contact Info:

Moulton Branch Elementary

cell 912-661-2296








About Me:

I have been teaching since 2000 and have always loved my job.  I started teaching in 2nd grade in a low socioeconomic area in Savannah.  I then went up to 3rd grade EIP with the lowest students from my first year's class.  This was a wonderful experience.  After that year, I transferred to the Bryan County School system (where I graduated from) and taught there until last year.  After a divorce, I moved to Lake Park with my 2 1/2 year old daughter to be closer to my parents who retired here a few years ago.  I taught 2nd grade at MBE last year and was moved to 1st grade for next year.  I'm a little apprehensive, but I think it will be a fun change.


A Positive Experience with Instructional Technology:

Last year I was trying to keep my head above water with all of the differences in this school system.  The year before I left, I had the repsonse systems in my classroom and a Smart Board.  My students and I utilized these systems constantly.  It's amazing how many sites are out there with sounds and colors to keep students interested in what can sometimes be dry subjects.  Technology will not go away, so we need to immerse students in technology, even at the youngest ages!


I was also able to assist in a lot of technology in-services for the staff at my school.  I hope to continue with these experiences!!




My Teach 21 Project

Not a clue - I just moved classrooms, moved into a new home, and have a brand new nephew, I haven't had time to breathe, much less think!  I'll work on it!